6 Health Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

benefits drinking lemon water

I will be the first to admit when I feel any kind of pain or illness coming on I immediately turn to the internet to research my symptoms. I have to say, this is not always the best idea if you are anything like me and believe you may be that 1% in the world that will develop some horrible, mysterious disease. So, I will save you the scare and frustration and tell you that with my "sad to say" constant searches, warm lemon water is the answer for numerous issues. I am so happy to share what warm lemon water will do for you.

1. Great Source Of Vitamin C

Lemons have an enormous amount of health benefits. They provide a generous amount of magnesium, copper and potassium. Drinking just one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice will provide you with 187% of your daily recommended vitamin C serving. The vitamin C in your lemon water will help stimulate your white blood cell production, which is super important if you want your immune system to funtion properly keeping the flu and colds away. Vitamin C also fights free radical damage!

2. Aids In Digestion

The juice of a lemon is much like the digestive juices in the stomach so it has the ability to make the liver produce bile, which allows the food to move smoothly through your gastroinetstinal tract. Lemon water also helps insulin levels remain even keel, therefore your body will get more nutrients from the foods you eat leaving you with a less chance of bloating. Warm lemon water is great to drink if you are looking to relieve indigestion and an upset stomach. Drinking this will stimulate the liver and flush out toxins. Get ready to visit the bathroom slightly more often, but be thankful because it is helping your urinary tract detox.

3. Increases Energy

Your energy levels will increase when the negative-charged ions from the lemons enter your digestive tract. This is why so many people opt for warm lemon water in the morning instead of coffee. This drink will not leave you feeling crashed and burned like caffine choices do. (This man has a ton of energy from his warm lemon water, even without a head!)

4. Smooths Out Skin

The antioxidants from the lemon keep skin looking young, vibrant and smooth. Need I say more!?

5. Helps You Drop Unwanted Weight

Lemons help you feel full longer because they have a fiber, also found in a lot of fruits, called pectin. Drinking warm lemon water throughout the day, in time will help you shed extra pounds.

6. Other Reasons You Should Drink Lemon Water

I wanted to mention that drinking lemon water warm or at room temperature is more ideal for your body because drinking it ice cold could shock your system. Other benefits of drinking lemon water are:

  • Alkalizes the body
  • Balances blood sugar levels
  • Balances pH levels
  • Dissolves phlegm
  • Asthma treatment
  • Hydrates lymphatic system
  • Fights cancer cells
  • Helps relieve constipation
  • Heart healthy
  • Improves eyesight
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Keeps body hydrated
  • UTI prevention
  • Keeps liver healthy
  • Prevents bad breath
  • Treats and prevents kidney stones

So, for the next time you are about to turn to the internet for research on your health…first make yourself a warm cup of lemon water, sit back and reep the benefits.

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